Entries by Bizzle & Smile

Teeth whitening before and After

What happens before Teeth whitening treatment ? Many of you may have considered teeth whitening products or indeed considered in-office treatments. However it’s important to know what you are embarking on before considering treatment, as you contemplate this exciting journey, there are some important things to note about the preparation process, not everyone is a […]

Teeth whitening Kits vs Charcoal Teeth whitening kits

Shop our top teeth whitening kits Teeth whitening Kits  vs Charcoal Teeth whitening kits  Over recent years teeth whitening kits have become evermore popular, and the desire for consumers to attain an improved appearance  has soared. There is more accessibility with most cosmetics and beauty enhancing treatments being available either, online or at a fraction […]

Teeth whitening Kits

Teeth whitening Kits So here we are, we have been here a thousand times before, and we say this with baited breath, you want white teeth, you want good results? and you want teeth whitening kits that work, and brings you the best results, of course you do, who wouldn’t?  There are many  teeth whitening products […]

Best teeth whitening kits

What are the best teeth whitening Kits on the market today? Modern teeth whitening has been in existence for decades, however, over the last five years we have seen demand for the best teeth whitening kits explode in recent times. There are hundreds of thousand daily internet searches for those who seek a gleaming smile […]

Things you didn’t know about teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is something that has been around for an extremely long time and it seems that it something that will continue to grow in popularity. In-office and over-the-counter whitening treatments all claim they can make our teeth white, but is there something that we don’t know about the process? Below are a few pieces […]

Can putting milk in your tea help whiten teeth?

A recent study certainly thinks so! All of those cups of tea you consume throughout your working day could prove to be a more effective teeth whitener compared to actual whitening products. However, this is only true if you take milk with your brew, the dairy product has been found to have benefits for our […]

Tooth whitening: is it safe?

Teeth whitening has been around for decades, building confidence by giving clients brighter smiles. However, there is the question of how safe whitening your teeth actually is. Years and years of research have found bleaching techniques and whitening methods to be safe and effective. A large amount of products that are in the market today […]

What’s in store for teeth whitening?

In this blog, we discuss the current technologies of teeth whitening and what’s in store for teeth whitening in the future. Dental stains can be widely categorised as intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic stains group together the result of defects in the development of the tooth, fluorosis, or it can be acquired through the use of […]