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Teeth whitening foods

There has always been that advice to avoid black coffee, dark berries and red wine when striving for pearly whites.

Although, the question comes into play of which foods are natural teeth whiteners:


The chief component in strawberries is malic acid acting as a natural astrigent that will remove any tooth discolouration.

Seeds and nuts

Chewing nuts and seeds, that are actually slightly abrasive, will rubs off the plaque and stains off the surface of your teeth. Almonds are particularly good as they are full of healthy fats and protein.


As onions are colourless, they do not cause any surface stains on the teeth – also, after eating onions you will be more likely to brush your teeth that will be a surefire way of getting whiter teeth.


Biting into apples is quite beneficial for your teeth. The fruits’ crispiness is a form of strengthening gums, also the high water content increases the amount of saliva produced into your mouth, dispersing and neutralizing any colonies of bacteria that can lead to bad breath and plaque.

Celery and carrots

These high water vegetables are not only good for the production of saliva, but they are also great for your waistline.


By including small pieces of raw broccoli into your lunch, those florets will act as a sort of toothbrush that will scrub the surface of your teeth.


The citrus acid in an orange can make your teeth whiter, however is can erode tooth enamel so it suggested to help yourself to an orange every once in a while.


Although not a food, drinking between sipping glasses of wine and when eating pigmented foods will help prevent any staining, maintaining your teeth’s whiteness.

Milk and yoghurt

Both dairy products are teeth superfoods. As they both contain high calcium content that strengthens teeth, it also makes the enamel healthier and whiter.

Please visit our website for further information about teeth whitening and the home teeth whitening kits we stock!