Tag Archive for: tooth whitening

Tooth whitening: is it safe?

Teeth whitening has been around for decades, building confidence by giving clients brighter smiles.

However, there is the question of how safe whitening your teeth actually is.

Years and years of research have found bleaching techniques and whitening methods to be safe and effective. A large amount of products that are in the market today have presented to not have any adverse effects on the teeth or gums in both laboratories and clinical testings.

Present times have seen bleaching gels making the sensitivity of the teeth less of an issue when whitening. However, it is common for the teeth to be sensitive once they have been whitened, especially when consuming too hot or cold foods and drinks, this feeling will subside 48 hours following the treatment.

For those who experience sensitivity more than others, actions can be taken:

– When using a tray applicator, wear the tray for a shorter period of time
– Use a toothpaste for sensitive teeth
– Ask a dentist or pharmacist for product with fluoride which aids in re-mineralising your teeth
– Allow your teeth to adapt to the whitening process

Visit our website to view our home teeth whitening kits!

teeth bleaching kits

Teeth whitening advantages

Teeth whitening offers a numerous amount of benefits for yourself and your teeth, as well as improving your confidence of brighter and whiter teeth, it can:

Dramatically improve the appearance of teeth – The reason for the increase in popularity for teeth whitening is the ease of improving a person’s smile; teeth appear healthier and more attractive.

Boost confidence – Dull teeth can have an impact on a person’s confidence, about themselves and their mood. Whiter teeth will encourage a person to smile more, naturally boosting their confidence and feel-good factor.

Appeal to others – The appearance of someone’s teeth can potentially be a defining factor on whether people may want to interact with that person. It also has the possibility to benefit any job offers; where customer interaction is involved, employers and employees will want to make the best impression possible.

Prove affordable – Another dominant factor for teeth whitening being such a popular choice is the fact it is quite an affordable option, for a beauty enhancement that has the ability to change a person’s entire face.

Promote a healthy lifestyle – Teeth that are visibly whiter are known to be associated with healthy living. Those that do have whiter teeth are known to smile more and seem to be less self-conscious when interacting in social situations.

Minimise wrinkles – Whiter smiles tend to have the ability of minimising the appearance of facial wrinkles, thus making a person appear youthful.

Teeth whitening does not have any potentially dangerous side effects; teeth that do need whitening are mostly those that have been stained.
Whiter teeth give a new-found confidence in people that acquire them and that will gradually translate in a person’s lifestyle as they begin to smile more.

Please visit our website to view our teeth whitening kits and further information about your way to a brighter smile.

Get white teeth fast with teeth whitening blue light

Get white teeth fast with teeth whitening blue light.


The use of blue light within the tooth whitening industry has been around now for a number of years. However, how beneficial is the use of teeth whitening blue light? And will there be a degree of accelerated tooth whitening? Will you get white teeth fast?

Teeth whitening using blue light was designed to improve the overall effectiveness of dental bleaching and to accelerate the process, which means that the surface of the tooth is in contact with the whitening agent for a shorter period of time. Therefore reducing any sensitivity or gum irritation.

The types of blue light can vary, however, the result is effectively the same, the use of LED, halogen and plasma arc light are the most commonly used. The reason for this is that these types of light are deemed to be the best at getting white teeth fast.

Does teeth whitening with blue light work?

Laser Teeth whitening at home

So how does it work? Teeth whitening blue light accelerates the oxidisation process that occurs when the bleach is applied. This means that the stained deposits are lighted at an accelerated rate with no discomfort to the user as heat is not emitted from the teeth whitening blue light.

Now Bizzle can be quite impatient at times, and doesn’t always like to wait for things to take its natural course, and I certainly wanted to get white teeth fast. So I decided to give the teeth whitening blue light a go.

Although teeth whitening is a gradual process, after each treatment there is a very noticeable difference, you can clearly see the oxidisation process working before your eyes. This however occurred much more rapidly than without the use of the light. Although I continued to whiten for an hour at a time, I found that the overall time taken to reach the desired level of whitening had reduced, which meant that I had gel left over for my top ups!!!

I was so impressed with the reduced time, and the fact that I did truly get white teeth fast, we now stock teeth whitening blue lights, with our Deluxe whitening kits.

So don’t delay, get white teeth today!! Get white teeth fast. Visit our shop today CLICK  HERE

Always Think Bizzle and Smile.